Nerd home sweet nerd home
August 9, 2018
January 21, 2023

Nerd home sweet nerd home

Project info
Helicopters by Frankie Brown
1.5m x 1.25m
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm

1.8m x 1.05m (width x height, lightest on top)

Module size

20.5cm wide (to repeat)
13cm high (without ‘spike’)

Timing - 04-10-2019

Each “wing” takes me about 20 minutes to knit. And 7.3m=8yrd of yarn.

Sewing to the blanket about 10 minutes.

So, about 70 minutes per full module

Important note - 26-07-2022

Casting on loosely makes it much easier to pick up stitches!

Picking up again - 03-04-2022

I have about 28 modules done, and I want about 92 more.

This is my main “long term” project now.

Added a borders sketch.

It will be 8 blocks tall and about 15 columns wide.

Full sides

~30 minutes

Continue in pattern until there are 5 stitches on the needle (after row 18)

Row 19: ssk, k, k2tog (3)
Row 20: s2kp2, cut, pass thread through last stitch, and hide end

(Note the side decrease is on a wrong side row and the centered double decrease on a right side one)

Totals needed - Done

84 simple modules - 28

13 full light side - 1
6 full medium side - 0
6 full dark side - 1

7 full dark and medium - 0
1 full light and dark - 1
1 full light and medium - 0

Total: 118 Modules - 31
To go: 87


Weekly update:

13 full light side - 3

Total: 118 Modules - 33
To go: 85


4th full light side finished and sewn today.


5th light full side done.

Blanket weights 486gr


Weekly update:

13 full light side - 6

Total: 118 Modules - 36
To go: 82


13 full light side - 10

Total: 118 Modules - 40
To go: 78


84 simple modules - 33

13 full light side - 11

Total: 118 Modules - 46
To go: 72

17-07-2022 Current status

simple modules - 42

full light side - 11
full medium side - 0
full dark side - 1

full dark and medium - 0
full light and dark - 1
full light and medium - 0

Total: Modules - 55

To go: 63

07-08-2022 Current status

simple modules - 50

full light side - 11
full medium side - 0
full dark side - 1

full dark and medium - 0
full light and dark - 1
full light and medium - 0

Total: Modules - 63

To go: 55

13-08-2022 Current status
simple modules - 52

full light side - 11
full medium side - 0
full dark side - 1

full dark and medium - 1
full light and dark - 1
full light and medium - 0

Total: Modules - 66

To go: 52


simple modules - 59

full light side - 11
full medium side - 0
full dark side - 1

full dark and medium - 2
full light and dark - 1
full light and medium - 0

Total: Modules - 74


Total: Modules - 78


Total: Modules - 80


Total: Modules - 84


Planned total 118

Current status:

Knit 102

6 of them unsewn yet

To go 16


To go: 9

As pictured in the sewing scheme.

viewed 316 times
August 9, 2018
January 21, 2023
About this pattern
8 projects, in 221 queues
soyloquesoy's overall rating
soyloquesoy's clarity rating
soyloquesoy's difficulty rating
  • Project created: August 9, 2018
  • Finished: February 18, 2023
  • Updated: April 9, 2023
  • Progress updates: 11 updates