Bigger on the inside
July 21, 2015
July 24, 2015

Bigger on the inside

Project info
Tardis Phone Cozy by Erinn A. Starnes
Needles & yarn

Phone dimensions: 109.4 x 58.6 x 12.5 mm

It seems a bit big, but I don’t feel like fiddling with mods, so it will have to do.

I twisted the yarns as explained in the pattern while making the windows - I did the twist every two stitches, and got a bit of a window pane effect. The flip side: it seems I pulled too hard, nad it it significantly narrower in the window part.

I did not understand the details on rounds 35 - 38, only the concept. This is my wording of what I did:

row 35: k1 (blue), k16 black, wrap next stitch, turn this is basically half a round
row 36: p16 (black), twist yarns, p20 (blue), wrap next stitch, turn. full round
row 37: k20 (blue), twist yarns, k16 (black), wrap next stitch, turn full round
row 38: p16 (black) cut black yarn, p20 (blue), wrap next stitch, turn full round
row 38 1/2: k19 with this half round, I reach the start of the round, do not turn

I used embridery thread for the letters and window pane divisions, and black yarn for the window border.

I am seriously pleased with it!

viewed 42 times
July 21, 2015
July 24, 2015
About this pattern
82 projects, in 208 queues
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  • Originally queued: September 11, 2014
  • Project created: July 20, 2015
  • Finished: July 24, 2015
  • Updated: July 26, 2015