Finally, finally done! (six months!)
Love this pattern and this relaxed and casual style:)
I think the instructions could be better written, in particular in Neck shaping section : pattern indicates whole number of decreasing and the number of BO rows, so you have to calculate to know when you begin neck shaping! It’s not difficult to calculate and include it in pattern.
As many knitters point it out, you should not work to left front when you begin neck shaping. You’ll have to bind off central sts on an odd round, continue to EOR marker, and skip to left front to work even rows on WS.
And I’d run out of yarn, though I had enough yarn to make 36.75 size, started body and sleeves with smaller number of sts! I warmly thank Jacrea!
------- MODS ---------
Started body with 196 sts, sleeves with 42 sts.
All ribbing is worked with smaller needles.
Knitted as in pattern, the yoke was too high! As I’ve wanted to have a roomy neckline, I made 4 decreases every 4rows, and 12 decreases every 2 rows before shaping neckline.
------- JOURNAL ----------
20/10/2012: swatching…
28/10/2012: CO! using 4mm needles for ribbing.
06/11/2012: began twisted stitch w/ 4.5mm needles. it’s simple and nice!
19/11/2012: worked twisted stitch pattern too tightly. unraveled the skein I was knitting, and picked up w/ 5.0mm needles…
29/11/2012: began sleeves, inside out of course!
28/12/2012: oh! it took me one entire month to knit two sleeves…
29/12/2012: began yoke. i’m afraid of running short of yarn…
01/01/2013: yes, i knit even the first day of the year! but i have some problems… frogged almost entirely the first day of the year.
i’ll knit body with larger needles (US 9), make sleeves slimmer and longer w/US 8 needles.
12/01/2013: body up to yoke finished.
13/01/2013: began two sleeves simultaneously. tried also German twisted CO.
28/03/2013: remade sleeves (CO 42 sts w/ purled long-tail), and joined pieces. i’m afraid i’ll run out of yarn…
19/04/2013: Done, finally done! Mille merci à Jacrea!