Winter Is Here
January 5, 2015
February 2015

Winter Is Here

Project info
86-10 Saturn Rings by DROPS design
Other HeadwearHeadband
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
Ylätalon tila Villalankaa
65 grams in stash
45 grams
Natural grey
December 1, 2012

Has been here for a while.

Used provisional cast-on, planning to bind off with three needle bind-off.
Made the headband 2 cm longer than in the pattern.
I didn’t care for the garter edges so instead I slipped the first stitches and knit or purled the last stitches, i.e.
RS: Slip 1 st with yarn in back, end with k1.
WS: Slip 1 st with yarn in front, end with p1.

Should I do this again, I’d start the increases earlier to prevent the feeling that this won’t stay on my ears (it covers them alright). And perhaps the extra 2 cm wasn’t necessary after all…
Planning to add a lining to this so we’ll see how it fits after that.

Definitely would make this one wider should I make this again. I like my hats to cover both my forehead and back of my head (so, whole head). This feels like I have to constantly pull it from some corner to prevent the chill.

viewed 81 times | helped 1 person
January 5, 2015
February 2015
About this pattern
3394 projects, in 3707 queues
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  • Project created: January 5, 2015
  • Finished: March 26, 2015
  • Updated: April 5, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates