February 18, 2012
October 14, 2013


Project info
Manu by Kate Davies Designs
3 (38)
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
7,764 yards
BBB Merinos Extra
1 skein = 1640.0 yards (1499.6 meters), 100 grams
Liann Longad (Tallinn) in Tallinn, Harjumaa
Titan Wool Merinos Extra
none left in stash
4 skeins = 6124.2 yards (5600.0 meters), 400 grams
Liann Longad (Tallinn) in Tallinn, Harjumaa

Swatch before wash: 12 x 6.5 cm
2.5 mm: 5 cm - 17 sts - 26 rows

After wash:
2.5 mm: 5 cm - 18 sts - 25 rows
Yarn held triple

Finally reached the armpits.

Wasn’t able to make i-cord cast-on neat so cast on the stitches for a sleeve using provisional cast-on. Will eventually bind them off using i-cord bind-off.

First sleeve done! What a bore it was. And how fun it will be to make another one exactly like it! Yay.

I believe I was supposed to break the yarn after back short rows, before starting the pleats?

Made the pleats symmetrical so that on the right side they are facing left (just like the pattern tells you to do) and on the left side they are facing right. Since I had odd number of pleats to make I made the middle one as two 6-stitch pleats (instead of one 12-stitch) so that the folds are on its outer edges.
This poor explanation probably doesn’t make it very clear but I’ll put on picture of it at some point.

Not using smaller needles for the edges since I don’t have 2.25 mm circular needles and couldn’t find any from LYSs.

Huh, ran out of yarn. All of a sudden. I was damn sure to have knit only 3 hanks to this but it weighs 400 grams and fourth one is nowhere to be found.

Binding off with i-cord is truly tidy but takes forever. My i-cord is 3 sts wide (as in the pattern), looks the nicest.

Button holes done! \o/

Finally had the chance to dye the damn thing, and based on the new colour choose and sew buttons. So there, it’s done!

Dyed with onion peels. Buttons came in my Laulava lankapaketti (Yarngrimoire club).

Miina and Manu is a children book series about two cats called Miina and Manu. Miina is also the name of my parents’ late dog. The final colour is not unlike the colour she used to be (Finnish spitz).

The sleeves are not long enough for my taste but that’s always the case.

The pockets and edging are a different colour because I ran out of the original yarn and had to order more which was a tad lightier blue. Luckily I used it only in the pockets and edges and didn’t end up with half a sleeve in different colour.

And the new colour is definitely better than the original blue just in case anyone was wondering.

viewed 657 times | helped 2 people
February 18, 2012
October 14, 2013
About this pattern
711 projects, in 2621 queues
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About this yarn
by Titan Wool
100% Merino
1531 yards / 100 grams

251 projects

stashed 205 times

strilla's star rating
About this yarn
by BBB
100% Merino
1640 yards / 100 grams

278 projects

stashed 155 times

strilla's star rating
  • Originally queued: April 15, 2010
  • Project created: February 18, 2012
  • Updated: October 20, 2013
  • Progress updates: 12 updates