September- B-day -berry
August 18, 2013
September 8, 2013

September- B-day -berry

Project info
Juneberry by Jared Flood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
135 X 62
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Skein Yarn Merino Cashmere Fingering
35 yards in stash
0.92 skeins = 402.0 yards (367.6 meters), 92 grams
Yarn Over Berlin in 10117 Berlin , Berlin

Actually, I prefer crescent- and half circle-shape shawls but I fell in love with this pattern the first time I saw it. It’s MUST HAVE for all shawl lovers, I think.

Beautiful and well written pattern with amazing textures, never boring and it goes quickly.

Mods: instead of cutting the yarn, I just cast on 20 stitches using a cable cast on, and I made bobbles with 5 sts and with backward knitting.

Because of bobbles I’m really worried that I’m going to run out of yarn, but, thanks “knitgod”, that’s not happened, it’s leftover about 0,8 g.

I’ll have to make another one with heavier yarn, silk maybe.
I made this beauty for me for my B-day which is this month - there is no better gift!

SKEIN yarns is definitely my favorite yarn - noble and incredibly pleasant to knit.

viewed 961 times | helped 14 people
August 18, 2013
September 8, 2013
About this pattern
2132 projects, in 3390 queues
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About this yarn
by Skein Yarn
80% Merino, 20% Cashmere goat
437 yards / 95 grams

1745 projects

stashed 2891 times

studena's star rating
  • Project created: September 8, 2013
  • Finished: September 8, 2013
  • Updated: August 9, 2014