Lightning Thief
January 8, 2015
February 10, 2015

Lightning Thief

Project info
Lightning Thief by Lily Go
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Gorgeous Knits 4ply Superwash
325 yards in stash
1.18 skeins = 467.1 yards (427.2 meters), 118 grams
Gorgeous Knits

50g size 6/0 clear silver-lined seed beads
50g size 8/0 clear silver-lined beads
from Chromabeader on eBay
- have some of both sizes left

2 skeins of yarn: 102g and 103g
- used all of 102g plus 16g = 87g/(297-314m) remaining

08:01:15 Clue 1 completed
19:01:15 clue 2 completed
02:02:15 clue 3 completed
09:02:15 clue 4 completed

10:02:15 washed & blocked

instructions for the picot bind-off were a little confusing

viewed 148 times | helped 2 people
January 8, 2015
February 10, 2015
About this pattern
from LilyGo
220 projects, in 422 queues
sunshinegirl3's overall rating
sunshinegirl3's clarity rating
sunshinegirl3's difficulty rating
  • Originally queued: October 19, 2014
  • Project created: January 8, 2015
  • Finished: February 13, 2015
  • Updated: March 5, 2015