Inspired by ginger bread shapes this is created with a rough carded Polwarth fleece, spun fluffy and plied, mostly fluffy thick n thin, and crocheted and also knitted into shapes, various shapes.
Started on the 23rd of Dec 2016, this is reminiscent of a lot of things, new and old.
December 28, 2016
So far, nine shapes, and maybe the left over singles on my bobbins can became more fluffy shapes. These obviously are all pre-felting, but some turned out to be such fun I figured that documentation is 90% :)
and yes, Christmas is past so, no hurry anymore. Knitted/crocheted them before and during Christ,as so it was all about the season anyways, and the …ahem…spirit :) some shapes just happened!
January 13, 2018
Was watching a Dr Who rerun of tv last night. Suddenly was struck by the likeness between some of these images, a k a the skulls and the scare crows created by the Family and referred to as ‘soldiers’. Link to Family of Blood
Loved Thomas Sangster btw.
Progress….still working hard on one of the figures. They are all felted a bit, and have turned fluffy and nice but still retain their shape as shown in the photos. Interesting.
October 6, 2018
Been mulling this over for quite some time, started to think…funky something….shawl something something, then fell over the Halloween shawl and neatly died of laughter, seems it was in the air! Ok, find suitable cobweb cotton or wool yarn, this will be fun! Thanks to the designer for the free pattern!
October 14, 2018
This will now be split in two…the ginger bread people are finished and the skulls and evil and mean faces will become something else.