Brioche wash cloths
April 11, 2020
April 13, 2020

Brioche wash cloths

Project info
Tulpenzwiebeln by Sybil R
Neck / TorsoScarf
Needles & yarn


These knitted potholders are made to the same patteen as my new Tulpenzwiebel scarf - with some modifications: for both potholders I shortened the repeat by 4 rows, for one I only used part 1 and 3 of the pattern, for the other just part 2.

viewed 46 times | helped 1 person
April 11, 2020
April 13, 2020
About this pattern
5 projects, in 20 queues
sybilra's overall rating
sybilra's clarity rating
sybilra's difficulty rating
  • Project created: April 13, 2020
  • Updated: May 29, 2020