There can be NO DEBATE
December 31, 2021
February 10, 2022

There can be NO DEBATE

Project info
Neck / TorsoScarf
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
14 stitches and 38 rows = 4 inches
in seed stitch
Dale Garn Baby Ull
Heirloom (Australia) Easy Care 8 ply

Two thousand and twenty years of climate data.

The PAGES2K project has brought together over 7000 scientists from a huge range of fields to study global climate over the past 2000+ years.

The past 2000 years (the “2k” interval) provides critical context for our understanding of recent anthropogenic forcing of the climate, as well as baseline information about Earth’s natural climate variability.

Using tree growth rings, coral growth patterns, mud cores, glacier cores, stalactites, marine and lake sediment cores, and so much more on 8 continents and the oceans, they have estimated global temperatures since AD 1. And this is only one part of what they are doing.

They have created an amazing data set which can be accessed by anyone. I used it to come up with a pattern for my 2020 year climate scarf. I created my own data set of 2-year means since I can knit a scarf 1010 rows long, but 2020 would get a bit ridiculous. Ed Hawkins has also created a warming stripes graphic for this time period, and recently added 2020 to the graphic (and yes, it was as warm or warmer than 2016, depending on exactly how you look at the data).

Actual knitting content
After extensive swatching, I have come up with the stitch I want to use (seed stitch) and a way to manage over 2000 ends (I am NOT weaving them in!). I will knit i-cord up each side of the scarf, and carry unused yarn inside it. If a colour will not be used for 15-20 or so rows, I will likely break it off and weave it in.

I hope I have enough blues, since this scarf will be almost entirely blue, with just a bit of pink, and red toward the end. I have several bags of Heirloom in various shades of blue from a yarn store closeout years and years ago. That will form the bulk of the scarf. I will need to unravel a thrift store sweater and dye it to create medium blue, since I apparently have no white yarn in sufficient quantity to dye. I will not worry about the pinks and reds since I will need only a few rows of each of those colours.


Getting close to the end. From 1939 onward, change happens at an astounding rate. Until I started this, I had no idea how early global climate change became apparent - at least in hindsight.

1939 - this was the first year that pink colours really started to appear. Before this there was only the very rare, isolated year in the palest shade of pink. After this year, the six darkest shades of blue which have been seen ever since AD1 will never again be seen.

1977 - after this year, blue shades will never again be seen at all. The entire lower half of the global temperature spectrum will never again be seen. After this point, a record-breaking new global high temperature shows up every few years.


viewed 305 times | helped 2 people
December 31, 2021
February 10, 2022
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Dale Garn
100% Merino
180 yards / 50 grams

19995 projects

stashed 14178 times

teerling's star rating
About this yarn
by Heirloom (Australia)
100% Merino
107 yards / 50 grams

1031 projects

stashed 948 times

teerling's star rating
  • Project created: December 19, 2021
  • Finished: February 13, 2022
  • Updated: March 17, 2022
  • Progress updates: 7 updates