1. Leynihekl Woollen Thoughts - Best Bunny
January 2014
January 2014

1. Leynihekl Woollen Thoughts - Best Bunny

Project info
Best Bunny by Tamie Oldridge
Hooks & yarn

I got the permission from Lionbrand to translate this pattern in icleandic for the first mystery crochet on my blog Woollen Thoughts

Today was the reveal day :) it was alot of fun with 155 participants :)

Later I will share a slide show of all the bunnies they made :)

Fyrsta leynihekli woollen thoughts er nú lokið en þetta er búið að vera mjög skemmtilegt og gaman. Þakka öllum sem tóku þátt og verður gaman að sjá myndir af kanínunum streyma inn.

Hér má finna myndasýningu með fyrsta hluta af tilbúnum kanínum :) Here you can see a slide show with the first part of finished bunnies :)


Kanínupartý by Slidely Slideshow

viewed 19 times
January 2014
January 2014
About this pattern
1098 projects, in 950 queues
thuriduri's overall rating
thuriduri's clarity rating
thuriduri's difficulty rating
  • Project created: January 12, 2014
  • Finished: January 28, 2014
  • Updated: February 11, 2014
  • Progress updates: 3 updates