4 Oct 17 Finished swatch, washed and dried. Spot on with size 7 Addi Turbo metal circulars.
Finished Clue 1 - Back Yoke
10-28-17 Clue 2 - have ribbing to do on sleeves at this point.
Clue 3 received but will persevere and do the ribbing even though I, anxious to start picking up the stitches for the body!
Posting pic of sleeves with back panel. Just love the way this is going together.
Finished the sleeves in Clue 2. Will post a picture tonight. Started Clue 3 by picking up stitches and knitted about an inch. I did not like the way I had picked up & done increases so pulled it out. I accidentally pulled out the stitches that were on hold for the back panel and messed it up. I workned for two days trying to figure out what I had done and what to do to continue. I thought I had it but looking up close, I can see a line of where I made the error. This becomes my humble sweater and will certainly watch for that on my second Kamira! Very frustrating.
Am now down about 5” from the back panel. That big fat error was staring me in the face but now I can barely see it! Also under the arm I see half of one of my slip stitches is missing. Asking myself how in the world did that happen? LOL!
Finished Clue 3. Very enjoyable knit. Added about 2 additional inches to ribbing.
Looked for buttons. May go with yellow. The iridescence of these seem to give off a greenish cast. On the button band now and making it wider.
Finished on the 16th. Still have to block & sew the buttons on. Very pleased. Wonderful knit. Used about 2 1/2 cakes. Will weigh my sweater to find out.
Redid the button/buttonhole bands. I realized I did not allow for the extra rows I had added to bottom and neck ribbing. Was bugging me but now I’m happy. Perfect fit. It is now drying.