TIP: To make it so much easier to figure out to how evenly distribute the 310 stitches that will need to be picked up for the Tardis section, I placed a stitch marker at the end of each repeat of the Vortex Lace section as I knitted it. (You’ll need 14 locking stitch markers.) There are 15 repeats of the Vortex Lace. When I was done with the Vortex Lace section, I then picked up stitches between each stitch marker along the edge in this order: From one end to the 1st stitch marker: 20 stitches, between the 2nd stitch marker and the 3rd stitch marker: 20 stitches, etc… 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 23, 21, 21, 21, 21, 20, 20, 20. (add these all up = 310 stitches)
I also made sure to place the markers on the edge of the side where I would need to pick up the stitches.
Then, as I knit the tardis section, when I got to the tardis repeats I shifted the stitch markers to the beginning of each Tardis repeat.
2015/04/04: I LOVE the end result! When I started the ribbing I had to tink the row because I messed up the 3knit/1purl repeat. Then once I did the row again and was off 1 stitch I realized I had dropped a stitch. I was too lazy to tink again so I added a stitch and continued knitting and when I got back to the spot where I had dropped the stitch, I fixed it and knit it together to correct my mistake.
2015/03/30: Done with the Tardis section! Just need to do the ribbing.
2015/03/19: Picking up the stitches took me a while and I did end up using some hex beads instead of doing the bobbles. I’m about 10 rows into the Tardis section right now.
2014/09/15: So far, the vortex lace is coming along nicely.
2014/09/07: I plan on using beads for the tardis lights and possibly do a lacy edging instead of the ribbing for the finishing.