March 27, 2011
February 14, 2012


Project info
Gail (aka Nightsongs) by Jane Araújo
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
Dream in Color Smooshy 100% Merino
none left in stash
1 skein = 450.0 yards (411.5 meters), 113 grams
Loopy Yarns in Chicago, Illinois
October 29, 2009


  • 2sticks: (link) stitch count per row, highlighted the stitches that should be repeated every row
  • sandiwiseheart: (link) center stitch mod
  • mawelucky-love group

2012/02/14: OMG. i finally finished it!!! and holy crap. i have about 12” of yarn left over after weaving in the end!! wow! (i did not get to do the very last edging pattern row.)


  • i decided to make the leaf tips the points instead of the webbing in between (as shown in the original design photos).
  • edging center point: when i got to the edging rows i think i doubled the width by continuing the pattern as usual, i.e. pattern, center stitch, pattern. from looking at other projects, it looks like some did the same thing while others made the edging center point identical to the sections between the leaves on the rest of the shawl. (hope that makes sense!)
  • as i got closer to being done and noticed how small my ball of yarn was looking, i started measuring how much yarn it took to knit one row. every time i finished a row i would then measure out the yarn for my next 2 rows, just to make sure i would have enough to finish.
  • the bind off took about 1 1/2 times as much yarn as it did to knit a row

2012/01/01: i’m starting pattern repeat #5 and i’m thinking that might be the last full repeat before starting in on the edge. after looking at other gail projects using the same yarn, 5 repeats seem to be perfect for one skien.

2011/05/31: finally started up on this project again. did about 6 rows (including the purl side) and did add more beads to the tip of the leaves. may just continue to do that instead of doing some “stems”…

2011/04/04: working on repeat #3. have also added some beads to the tip of the leaves. will do so again on the next repeat and possibly then add more to the “stems”

2011/03/28: almost done with the first repeat! i’m doing the version with the center stitch. i didn’t want to mess with the double yarn overs…

2011/03/27: finally started Gail! \o/ joined the mawelucky-love group and got some fantastic tips. someone even posted the chart with the stitch count per row per repeat! awesome that i won’t have to figure that out because i have to count every single rs row or i screw up.

viewed 290 times | helped 4 people
March 27, 2011
February 14, 2012
About this pattern
4444 projects, in 5787 queues
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About this yarn
by Dream in Color
100% Merino
450 yards / 113 grams

30360 projects

stashed 26649 times

vampirefan's star rating
  • Originally queued: November 4, 2009
  • Project created: March 27, 2011
  • Finished: February 15, 2012
  • Updated: March 20, 2019
  • Progress updates: 11 updates