Mellow Sweater
October 7, 2013
October 20, 2013

Mellow Sweater

Project info
Mellow Sweater / Lun genser by Heidi Gronvold
modified s
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
50 grams in stash
0.9 skeins = 450 grams

Gauge - 13.5 st = 4” on 5mm.

Resized following the size S instructions for gauge above (my bust is 36” and this should measure approx. 43”)

CO 68 st.
PM at BoR after 4 s. Knit 30, PM, K4, PM.
Inc rounds 18x = inc body st to 140.
Inc sleeve st first to 10 over 9 rounds, then to 36 over 26 rounds. (212 sts total)
End with 140 st for the body (after separating sleeves).

Original numbers for increases:
Knit 2 rounds (remember garter stitches between the markers, for the new stitches as well) with no increases.

Repeat round 2 followed by 2 rounds of no increase 5 times in total (including the first round) = 15 rounds, 20 sts inc // 14 sts between each marker

Repeat round 2 followed by 1 round of no increase 17 times in total = 34 rounds, 68 sts inc // 48 sts between each marker

Start knitting the front and back pieces in one piece = 180 s. CO 4 on each side underarm.

For the sleeves I picked up 6 st in the underarm, then decreased 2 st every WS row (one on either end, 1 st from edge) until there were 36 st, then decreased 4” or so. I think I ended with about 26 or 28 st? Can’t remember. I wanted slim fitting sleeves.

Very fast knit, quite pleased with this one! Love the look and the making of the garter stitch sleeves, think I’ll be using that idea for other sleeves.


Very wearable sweater, especially in this great yarn that is super soft and doesn’t pill much.

viewed 1056 times | helped 4 people
October 7, 2013
October 20, 2013
About this pattern
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  • Project created: October 4, 2013
  • Finished: October 21, 2013
  • Updated: January 6, 2017
  • Progress updates: 3 updates