Make smallest size for approx. 40” bust (4” pos. ease) or second size for approx. 44” (8” pos. ease)
Slower sleeve increases.
Turtle or cowl neck if enough yarn (can add MadTosh Merino in Fathom if desired)
Gauge 17 st
sleeve: co 46 tubular, work 2x2 rib, slipping first st of each row, for 6”, dec 4 st across before cont in rev st st. Inc to 58 st and 19” long.
Seam sleeve, attach with WS out? (Oops, forgot about this idea until I had attached the sleeves)
Body: CO 192 tubular, work 2x2 rib for 2.5”, reduce by 20 st, k86, pm for side. Next round: k to 5 st before m, p, k2, p, k1, sm, k1, p, k2, p, k to m, repeat once more. Continue in this way until piece measures 16” (longer than specified in pattern).
Then followed pattern, except did additional raglan decrease rounds because my armhole was too short still and the neckline too large. Did the neckline short rows until desired height/width, then picked up and knit funnel neck in k2 p2 until I ran out of yarn.
Inspired by Fringe Association’s post on recreating this sweater:
Some notes in hindsight:
-To do the raglan detail, I think a closer effect could be yielded by PM, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, decrease, k to 7 st before M, decrease, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, repeat.
-I think a lot more positive ease is necessary to get the fit pictured as well.
I LOVE THIS SWEATER. Unfortunately it doesn’t get cold enough to wear it with any frequency in L.A. but I wish it did. Sleeves are a tad long but otherwise it’s perfection. I did a good job. The yarn is beautiful but kind of pilly.