Mini Carrot for Tweetingway
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022

Mini Carrot for Tweetingway

Project info
Mini Carrot by Fay Lyth
Hooks & yarn
3.75 mm (F)

…Okay, so I play Final Fantasy XIV, and in its latest expansion we went to the moon and met the Loporrits, a rabbit-like race whose names follow their interests, like “Cookingway”. Well, today the official English FFXIV Twitter account has been taken over by “Tweetingway”, who is ADORABLE. Tweetingway asked if anyone ever drew pictures of a Loporrit. I can’t draw, but I CAN crochet, so I couldn’t resist making a carrot for Tweetingway.

Submitted in the Nerdopolis 8.2 round 1 challenge Area 51: Favorite Book

Rav handle: xnera
Team Name: Team Co-op
Craft: Crochet
Project Type: Stashbuster
Description of how event theme is met: Made this carrot amigurumi this month, using stash yarn.
Photo of project:
Team shout out for Nerd Cred: In Final Fantasy XIV (a video game and thus part of my team’s scope), there is a race of sentient, walking bunnies called Loporrits, who inhabit the moon. They are adorable! Well, this week a Loporrit took over FFXIV’s social media on Twitter, and the fans went hyper in excitement. Tweetingway (the name of the Loporrit) asked if anyone had ever drawn a Loporrit. I can’t draw, but I can crochet, so I crocheted a carrot for Tweetingway. Like bunnies on Earth, Loporrits really enjoy carrots as well.

viewed 0 times
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022
About this pattern
2 projects, in 9 queues
xnera's overall rating
xnera's clarity rating
xnera's difficulty rating
  • Project created: June 14, 2022
  • Finished: June 14, 2022
  • Updated: June 30, 2022