February 16, 2021
August 30, 2021


Project info
Nichi Nichi by yamagara
3 (117cm)
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Malabrigo Yarn Arroyo
none left in stash
4.75 skeins = 1584.4 yards (1448.8 meters), 475 grams
  • Sew in ends

  • Give it a wash!

  • Fastenings?? Snaps? Buttons? Buttonholes?? Snaps and buttons?

  • body worked top down using single-row stripes

  • sleeves worked as directed, 100 rows after incrs

  • less depth in underarm than pattern directs

  • added 4 sets of short rows in somewhat random fashion. But they seem to have worked well and you really can’t tell anyway w the knitted fabric!

cuff - long tail tubular cast-on, 18 rows

length from cast on to underarm for size 3 is 23cm (includes 5cm ribbing) plus 12 rows => for working top down that is body measures 18cm plus 12 rows down from underarm, then work 5cm ribbing.

so many shades of grey

8 sep - sewed up the remaining underarm seam. All ends woven in except for around hem.
4 sep - grafting.
30 aug - the knitting is finished and I’m calling it today! Need to graft tubular cast off st hem and sew in ends etc but the knitting is DONE
29 aug - aargh! Left button band done and 14 rows of hem ribbing (I think there only needs to be 18!! but they are loooong).
28 aug - body length finished! Right button band finished. 20 pick ups to go on left button band, then just ribbing to go.
26 aug - right band, 25gm ball at orange marker. back is 44.5cm. 1.5cm more length, maybe another set of of incrs, then ribbing!
25 aug - still working away at length! Completed 4 sets of double decreases (8sts decreased) at sides. Still single striping w original lot of plomo but after my current smallest ball runs out, will switch to a new (almost solid) ball. And smaller ball ran out, down to the last bit of the original batch (except that which is reserved for the button bands). Length at centre back is 44cm. Think I only want to get it to 46cm and then 5cm of ribbing. Also ready to do some incrs at side seams. Probably only room for 2 before ribbing. Dilemma - introduce new ball or risk it with what I have left?? Also could shorten sleeves a bit which would offer up some yarn …
15 aug - working away at length
13 aug - bit of a break there. the extra two skeins arrived and they are a very solid grey so need to think how i’m going to incorporate those. kept knitting on length today. currently measures 16cm from underarm, 32cm from back neck. Checked body measurements. Probably have 8 cm to go to get to waist length. Will do a couple more waist decrs maybe. Must try on.
29 apr - kept knitting length, did another set of side decrs (2 sets so far). Ordered two more }#%^ing skeins of yarn bc it just wasn’t going to be long enough. Also working buttonhole bands less buttonholes bc I just don’t know long it’s going to be and how many buttonholes. Might do afterthought buttonholes. Might do snaps.
27 apr - ugh, short row in wrong place so ripped 4.5 rows and reknit 8.5. Worked sl2togkw psso over on at underarm on knit rows x2.
26 apr - worked more buttonband to match front length and 4 more body rows.next row will do short rows again and side decreases.
25 apr - working on body. have put in two sets of short rows. kind of random in that i didn’t really know where to start them (either how far down or at what point). reminder to self - no superwash yarn for self e v e r a g a i n.
24 apr - seamed and set in sleeves (almost) and wove in some ends.
17 apr - added length to right sleeve. 100 rows yay!
16 apr - left sleeve finished. yay.
15 apr - 90 rows!!
13 apr - 64 rows
12 apr - left sleeve 47 rows
10 apr - finished all sleeve incrs. 86 rows even to go. right neckband done to end of v-neck shaping. Put sts on hold while I knit body. Will determine where button holes go later.
9 apr - completed slv incrs 9
8 apr - have got left neckband almost to where I’m up to on the body. Looks great. Wondering how to pick up/cast on for the right. Five sets of incrs done on sleeves.
7 apr - finally picked it up again a few days ago and had to frog back to the ribbing bc I had done the incrs incorrectly! Ouch. Just finished third rpt of incrs. Also started on back left neckband by starting w a WS row on crochet cast on, then at the end of the RS row picking up the cast on edge sts bw the knit columns. Finished back neck and moved to left upper front, picking up the st at the end of each plain row.
25 mar - finished cuff 2, 3 sleeve incrs
19 mar - finished 13th lot of incrs yesterday. cast on second sleeve - hooray. frogged neck band stuff day before yesterday - wasn’t quite comfortable with it.
15 mar - finished twelfth lot of front incrs. one more lot to go.
14 mar - worked back neckband. Tubular cast on 47, incrs to 59. Cast off. Crochet slip stitched into place. Picked up 14 sts on left edge for left band, started working that. Length - worked row 3 of twelfth incr rpt (row 1 to go, then rows 3 and 1 on thirteenth rpt)
13 mar - after consultation at knit night on Wednesday, decided that armscyes was too deep and frogged back 4 rows. Now have 64 rows of fronts and back. Next row will cast on underarm sts. Have 10 complete incrs done. Need 12. Cast off sleeve and clipped on to underarm. Have 44 st cast off edge sts to 64 rows of knitting (11:16). Next row is row 5.
10 mar - seamed sleeve. Snug. There’s ease in there bc of the ribbing but it sits snugly. Also armscye is too deep for sleeves. Upper bodice good. Need to get to work on bands to help give it some more structure.
9 mar - washed and blocked. Seamed shoulders w fine dark grey yarn and crocheted a line of slip at to get columns of sts to line up exactly.
7 mar - upper left front complete, joined by casting on 13 at underarms (cable cast on).
4 mar - upper back complete.
25 feb - upper right front complete. I did get the increases on the knit columns the wrong way around so dropped them all down, one by one, and fixed the incrs. cast on for back. 12 rows done.
23 feb - 4 rpts of shaping done in broken rib (out of 9 + 5 rows)
22 feb - started on left front, which turns out to be the right front when you work it from the top down instead. Managed 22 rows. I think it’s working.
21 feb - first sleeve finished, weighs 75gm
20 feb - 70 rows even
19 feb - 24 rows worked even
18 feb - sleeve incrs complete
16 feb 21 - long tail tubular cast on on 3mm. Alternating skeins, so 1x1 rib in single row stripes.

27 oct 20 - where has the year gone?? I love yamagara’s upcoming nichi nichi cardigan so decided to swatch for it. Am aiming for 23 sts in broken rib. First attempt on 3.5mm needles (as per yamagara’s project). (And I really want to land on something for this isager.)
28 jan 21 - alpaca 2 20 + ksh; highland ocean + ksh; spinni marine + ksh. dark natural brown spinni + dusty plum spinni.
alpaca 2 20 + highland ocean??
11 feb - received malabrigo arroyo in mail yesterday in plomo and started swatching last night on 3.5mm.
12 feb - lovely big swatch. Will wash tomorrow.

viewed 350 times
February 16, 2021
August 30, 2021
About this pattern
160 projects, in 454 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
100% Merino
334 yards / 100 grams

46455 projects

stashed 37009 times

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  • Originally queued: November 7, 2020
  • Project created: February 16, 2021
  • Finished: August 30, 2021
  • Updated: September 8, 2021
  • Progress updates: 5 updates