Juneberry Triangle
September 26, 2013
November 21, 2013

Juneberry Triangle

Project info
Juneberry by Jared Flood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
my mom
Knittynola on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
madelinetosh Tosh Merino
900 yards in stash
3 skeins = 675.0 yards (617.2 meters)
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts

I’ve been meaning to make this for AGES - and finally started it thanks to my enabler friend Janice.

Patterned on both knit and purl sides - which means I have to engage brain both ways LOL. Not too difficult once you get the hang of the SSP.

Actually a quick knit. I think the more the brain is used the more I want to pick it up and do more.

Kind of sad it is finished.

viewed 97 times
September 26, 2013
November 21, 2013
About this pattern
2132 projects, in 3389 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
210 yards

7553 projects

stashed 5655 times

yarnpaperscissors' star rating
  • Originally queued: April 24, 2010
  • Project created: October 20, 2013
  • Updated: November 22, 2013
  • Progress updates: 2 updates