August 4, 2012
September 27, 2015


Project info
Longfellow by Corrina Ferguson
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
The Sanguine Gryphon Mithril
none left in stash
1 skein = 750.0 yards (685.8 meters)
Maryland Sheep & Wool 2011
May 8, 2011

3/8/2017 - Blocked and found another strand had snapped at the very edge. Once it’s done I will try to sew it up.

3/7/2017 - This #Longfellow Shawl has been finished since September 2015. At that time I tried to block it and found that two strands snapped. I’m going to an event on Friday night and thought how nice it would be to wear a handknit lacy-ish shawl with my dress. I went to work on the hole when I got home from knit night. I took leftover yarn and wove it through a-la-weaving-in-ends starting a few stitches before the hole and ending a few stitches after. It’s sturdy enough now.. The fabric is a bit dense. Tomorrow I will block it and try to go easy on that one area. Cross your fingers!!

9/27/2015 - Finished! Now if only I knew what box my blocking pins were in.

9/23/2015 - Purled the last purl row! I can’t wait for the epic crochet bind off.

9/22/2015 - Just have the last purl back row and the crochet bind off remaining!

9/15/2015 - 4 rows left before the crochet bind-off!

9/5/2015 - Next day or 7 months… Found two missing YOs and we’re back on track. 10 total rows left before the crochet bind off.

2/16/2105 - Row 43 has triple YOs. I was concerned about the purl back row. Someone else commented that they did these as purl knit purl. That worked out beautifully!
Now I’m stuck on the next row at the end. Everything lines up, but somehow I’m missing 2 stitches after the last repeat. Putting it down to look at with fresh eyes tomorrow.

2/14/2015 - 12 rows left!

2/12/2015 - Got 4 more rows done. 14 left!

2/11/2015 - 18 rows left before the crochet bind off.

2/7/2015 - Back on track finally!

7/27/2013 - Tinking 7 into 5 stars is much easier with a crochet hook. Time to check my stitches and put a stitch marker between all repeats.

7/23/2013 - I have 2-4 rows to tink. I’ve been putting it off. Today’s the day.

11/7/2012 - Just finished rows 25 and 26 of the chart. Almost halfway to the bind off!

9/2/2012 - Time to start the lace section!

viewed 177 times
August 4, 2012
September 27, 2015
About this pattern
89 projects, in 670 queues
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About this yarn
by The Sanguine Gryphon
100% Merino
750 yards / 113 grams

575 projects

stashed 1808 times

yrallee's star rating
  • Originally queued: August 3, 2012
  • Project created: August 5, 2012
  • Finished: September 27, 2015
  • Updated: March 9, 2017
  • Progress updates: 5 updates