Amanda Schwabe

Amanda Schwabe
I teach knitting, and I LOVE it. I write about knitting on my website,, and my main goal is to help you know that you can knit anything! So I often post tips and tricks that I’ve learned from all over the place because I think it’s handy to have them all in one spot.
My latest series is 31 Days to Your Nicest Knitting. It’s all about those little baby steps you can take to improve your knitting by leaps and bounds.
You can find me on Facebook as Aknitica Designs
on Instagram as @aknitica
and on Twitter less often as @aknitica
Come join my Ravelry group, too, and we can chat!
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Kindle Cover, Sock-Yarn Blankie Style
a k n i t i c a website
a k n i t i c a website
- Kindle Cover, Sock-Yarn Blankie Style
- a k n i t i c a website
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