Fiona Oliver
After a significant birthday, I made a commitment to grow my skills and knowledge in knitting and crochet and to explore my creative side through designing knitted and crocheted accessories and garments. After 10 years of pursuing this objective I feel like I am now in my creative groove. I’ve found that my learning journey has connected me to a wonderfully diverse world of creators, designers and makers from across the world and I continue to be in awe of the innovation and creativity that is thriving in the fibre world. Long may it flourish.
Most of my designs assume a reasonable skill level but I also include links to helpful video tutorials (prepared by other people) and other useful resources in my patterns so that everyone can have a go, even if they are less confident with some of the techniques that I use.
I hope you will join me on your own fibre-based creative journey to become part of the happy confluence of creativity, colour and fibre that is the world of capitalKNITS.
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capitalKNITS Designs
- Tweedle Dum Tweedle Dee Socks
- capitalKNITS Designs
capitalKNITS Designs
- Quinquesyllable Infinity Scarf
- capitalKNITS Designs
capitalKNITS Designs
- Newsworthy Infinity Scarf/Cowl
- capitalKNITS Designs
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