Theresia Lew

Theresia Lew
My passion for knitting led me to coming up with a few designs of my own.
In the coming months, they will all get a makeover with a new layout and I can´t wait to find out what the future holds for me.
My “specialty” is scrapbusting projects and “any yarn you have” kind of projects. I love being able to just use whatever I find in my stash, so I´m trying to write my patterns in a way that will fit many different yarns.
I hope you enjoy my patterns and if there is any problem, please message me.
Happy knitting
Vicky - Cable Needle Holder
The PassioKnit Spinner
The PassioKnit Spinner

- Vicky - Cable Needle Holder
- The PassioKnit Spinner
Die nachträglich eingestrickte Ferse
Theresia´s Ravelry Store
Theresia´s Ravelry Store
- Die nachträglich eingestrickte Ferse
- Theresia´s Ravelry Store