Thread and Circuses

Thread and Circuses

I live in Kjipuktuk on Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People, on the eastern edge of Turtle Island. I am a queer, neurospicy, bellydancing, leatherworking, fire eating, costume sewing, coffee addicted knitting designer and RMT. Knitting designs run rampaging through my head faster than I can knit them, and I am obsessed with designing reversible things.

Lady Nufashond

If you are a LYS, ask me about my wholesale pattern prices. If you are a yarn dyer or spinner and you would like to collaborate, let’s talk! If you are a designer of one of the patterns in my wish list and you’d like one of my patterns to knit for yourself, I love trades! Heck capitalism!

Find me on:


original designs

Pacer Hat
Thread and Circuses
Lady Nufashond
Thread and Circuses
Velvet Grip
Thread and Circuses
Thread and Circuses
The Gap Generation
Thread and Circuses
Butter Side Down
Thread and Circuses
Harriet Chapeau
Thread and Circuses
Thread and Circuses
Pinnate Venation Mitts 2.0
Thread and Circuses
Dukes Up
Thread and Circuses
Konami Code
Thread and Circuses
Kiki's Tea Service
Thread and Circuses
Thread and Circuses
A Wrinkle In Time Travel
Thread and Circuses
Bubblegum Crisis
Thread and Circuses
Infinite Folly
Thread and Circuses
Clever Anna
Thread and Circuses