Twisted Knitwear
Twisted Knitwear is owned by Karen O’Hanlon Cohrt, an Irish woman, mother, science writer and former scientific researcher who channels her creative energy into designing stylish and modern knitting patterns for all.
Karen was born and raised in Ireland where she now lives with her husband and two young boys since, following 12 rich years in Denmark.
Twisted Knitwear blends the simple and clean nature of Nordic design with the intricate cables and twists seen in traditional Irish knitwear.
All patterns are tech-edited and test-knitted before publication. Shortly after you purchase a knitting pattern, you will receive an email with a link to a downloadable pdf of the pattern. It is therefore important that you write your email correctly when placing your order.
Thank you for stopping by and happy knitting!
Twisted Knitwear er drevet af Karen O’Hanlon Cohrt, en irsk kvinde, mor, videnskabelig formidler og tidligere forsker, der kanaliserer sin kreative energi til at skabe stilfulde og moderne strikkeopskrifter til alle. Karen er født og opvokset i Irland hvor hun har boet med sin mand og to unge drenge siden 2011, efter 12 dejlige år i Danmark.
Twisted Knitwear blander det enkle og rene udtryk fra Nordisk design med de indviklede snoninger og fletninger der kendetegner traditionelt Irsk håndstrik (f.eks. Aran sweatre).
Alle opskrifter er korrekturlæst af en professional teknisk redaktør og teststrikket inden udgivelse. Når du køber en opskrift, vil du kort efter modtage en mail med et link til download af opskriften som pdf-fil. Det er derfor vigtigt, at du angiver den korrekte mailadresse ved dit køb.
Tak fordi du kiggede forbi og rigtig god strikkelyst!
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Christmas Sweater 2023
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Good Old Santa Hat
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Saxon Wrist Warmers
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Good Old Raglan Cardigan
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Little Miss Sailor
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Saxon Slipover My Size
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Frederik's Onesie
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Elliot's Cosy Set
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Emily's Top Junior
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Frederik's Bow Tie
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Frederik's Gladrags
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Emily's Top - Mini
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Christmas Sweater 2019
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store
- Frederik's Romper - discontinued
- Twisted Knitwear's Ravelry Store