Kerry Milani
Kerry Milani
I am a stay at home mother of seven, with children in grade school and flown the coup! We have three grandchildren now as well. I especially enjoy creating lace, shawls and socks… even more when two are combined! I make my home in Northern Minnesota.
Creative Knitting Presents, Fall 2014 Special: Wraps Capelets & Cowls
Creative Knitting Presents, Fall 2014 Special: Wraps Capelets & Cowls

- Shalott
- Creative Knitting Presents, Fall 2014 Special: Wraps Capelets & Cowls
Asymmetry Lace: a Sampler Shrug
Iceknitterly Designs
Iceknitterly Designs

- Asymmetry Lace: a Sampler Shrug
- Iceknitterly Designs