Knitting With Judit Horvath
Update: from 2025 all my future patterns will have Stitch Fiddle integration, meaning the charts included in the patterns will be accessible online as well, with a progress tracker that allows the knitter to follow the chart and view the current row’s corresponding written instruction at the same time.
My previously published patterns will also receive an update with a Stitch Fiddle link.
List of patterns that have this feature already:
When She’s Gone
Leaf It to Me
Honey on Toast
Nice Little Biscuit
Young Hearts Run Free
Sunday Romance
Best Behaviour
An Hour and a Glass
Fool to Believe
Purple Prince Lily
Dancing Ice Cubes
Hope There’s Someone
Best of Buds
Lavender Frosting
Friend Indeed
Back to Caroline
Some Sugar
Wrapped up in Clover
Life is Like a Song
Tea with Betty
Buns in the Oven
If So Inclined
Princess Cordelia
Homemade Love
Just the Way You Are
Personal Paradise
Simple Fancy
Any Day Now
Christmas Day
Year After Year
Freezing Point
Boiling Point
A Very Special Occasion
Sounds of the Sea
Twist and Shine
No Bake
Make it Sweet
Roped In
Invitation to Tea
Victorian Violets
Standing In
Standing Out
Keep checking back to see which patterns were updated recently!
I’m just a girl standing in front of a ball of yarn and I must make something pretty out of it.
I started knitting just to kill time and have something to do in front of the TV besides snacking. But in no time I fell in love and since then I don’t think I went for more than a day without knitting. (And even those were hard days.) Being a boring couch potato I also have lots of time to spend with my ever growing - and occasionally exploding - “yarn library” so eventually I started moving away from ready made patterns and making up my own projects, a bit later trying my hand at writing up patterns for them as well.
There’s still a lot to learn but I surely enjoy designing, and hope to please those who put their faith in my patterns as well.
If you’d like to be kept up to date about my upcoming patterns like and follow my Facebook page:
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- Wrapped up in Clover - Christmas dishcloth
- knittingwithjudithorvath
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