Stacy Pamela
Click ‘❤️ save in favorites’ here to have a Designer’s patterns appear in your feed found when you click ‘Menu,’ then ‘Patterns,’ then scroll down to ‘Your Pattern Highlights.’
March 2025
With deeply realized acknowledgement of historical systems of oppression, please lift and support BIPOC in Fiber instead of me: https://www.bipocinfiber.com/
Hi loves. I’m Stace (they/them) a.k.a. Soshin 宗心 (given Japanese dharma name that means ‘ancestral heart’), a Zen Buddhist nonbinary pan LGBTQ+ knit and crochet original design enthusiast and rookie in roller derby who lives with my heart-of-gold husband and our rescue bonded pair of puppos in a charming Hudson River valley town in serene upstate NY.
Professionally I’ve been honored to have worked for two well-known yarn artists while living in Brooklyn--knit installation artist Magda Sayeg (founder of Knitta Please) and crochet installation artist Olek (a.k.a. Agata Oleksiak).
One who has taken a personal vow to dedicate their life to alleviating the suffering of others is a bodhisattva. I am a bodhisattva.
Alpaca and wool fibers used are always mulesing-free exclusively from animal rescues and sanctuaries and primarily Buddhist nations, with a preference for plant-based over essentially anything synthetic.
YOU are my Pattern Testers.
Ideally every pattern will have three test projects minimum.
Post a pattern’s first Project Page with any/all constructive criticism for any of my designs to earn three complimentary paid patterns of your choice, a pattern’s second Project Page earns two paid patterns, and a pattern’s third earns one.
Simply point me to your page when ready with mention of which patterns you’d like to receive, since Designers do not receive notifications when your Projects for our Patterns are posted.
YOU are my crowdsourced pattern Tech Editors.
It is simple as can be: receive $10 from me via Paypal or Venmo for any pattern edit you suggest that I implement--for any pattern here ever--with your Ravelry username credit under ‘Tech Edits’ in the Notes field of the pattern page.
Message me with an edit suggestion and I’ll let you know if it is a change I will make.
To date $50 USD total has been paid out for five edits that a few here have wisely suggested.
Thank you, five crowdsourced Tech Editors! You rock.
Feel free to message me anytime with questions that aren’t Google-able.
Stace a.k.a. Zonal (they/them)