Jo Em
Hello! My name is Jo.
I’ve been on ravelry since 2019, but only used it on occasion to download patterns I found elsewhere on the web. In January 2022 however, I decided to upload my own designs here as well. Before that they were only available through my blog. I also began uploading my current projects from January 2022 on.
I first learned to knit and crochet when I was in the second grade. My mother was an avid knitter and crocheter, and we learned it in elementary school as well. Unfortunately I lost interest in both crafts very quickly, and didn’t make many projects until I was expecting my son a couple of decades later.
A few years ago I started collecting American Girl dolls and now I’m dedicated to making clothes for them. I began writing my own patterns in 2021, and with that a new hobby was born as well because I love developing and writing these patterns.
Right now I knit and crochet primarily for my American Girl dolls, but on occasion there might also be a pattern popping up that’s not for dolls.
I want to keep my patterns free for everyone to use, but in return I would like to ask you not to sell my patterns or claim them as your own. You are free to sell the completed projects you make with my patterns, however.
Please also feel free to visit my blog and my facebook page. Both are listed in my profile.
Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by and your interest in my patterns!
Dolls of Suburbia

- Simple Stitches Upper-Case Alphabet
- Dolls of Suburbia
Dolls of Suburbia

- Brick Wall Doll Photography Background
- Dolls of Suburbia
Dolls of Suburbia

- Star-Shaped Christmas Tree Skirt
- Dolls of Suburbia
Dolls of Suburbia

- Ruffled Sleeve Crop Top & Basic Skirt
- Dolls of Suburbia